Between thermal baths and tourism
Located in a loop on the right bank of the Charente, Rochefort, in addition to its maritime and military history, has become a tourist place turned towards the Charente’s history and coast. It is also an art city that hosts many exhibitions, museums and other gardens.Let yourself go as you wish and discover Rochefort and its history.
It is impossible to go to Rochefort without going to meet one of the most famous frigates in France. The Hermione has been completely restored thanks to the know-how of many craftsmen. This project lasted more than 20 years and required 400,000 pieces of wood and 2,200 m² of sails. His crew is waiting for you to share a piece of history. Currently the Hemione is absent from Rochefort because of restoration work.
The Rochefort Dockyard is also the perfect place for a walk in the Jardin des Retours, along the Charente river. Enter the Corderie Royale, the first building in the Arsenal de Rochefort, for an amazing discovery of this old 374 m long rope factory! Do not miss the exceptional bookshop of the Corderie, specialized in the maritime field and travel; you will be pleasantly surprised by its large collection of books on the sea!
3 avenue de la Fosse aux Mats
05 46 82 67 70
Mars – Avril – Mai – Juin – Septembre – Octobre – Novembre
9h30 – 12h / 14h – 18h
Juillet – Août
8h30 – 12h / 13h – 19h30
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